Training for three different sports makes for a sometimes steep learning curve for those just starting out with triathlons. It can get complicated. While there’s plenty of great books, podcasts, blogs, and forums to learn – sometimes it’s just good to get some wisdom from people like you. Below are some nuggets of wisdom from our age group triathletes on what they wished they’d known, understood, and appreciated when first starting out in the sport.
Doreen Schatter – "You don’t have to wear a bathing suit for all three sports"
Daniel Harris – "Time management is so essential. Figure out the structure that balances work, life, and training."
Abby Huggins Mowinski – "You have to pump up your tires regularly – more than your car. I didn’t know that my whole first season!"
Philip Hauserman – "(1) Training can be addictive if you’re not careful. (2) What works for one person may not work for you. (3) Ironman isn’t the only thing. And don’t believe anybody who tells you it is. (4) The triathlon community is incredible in its support and motivation. Some of my best friends have come through this sport."
Karen Richardson – "Practice transitions! And run through them in your head race morning. Remember where your bike is racked, what row, how far down....don't be that fool that went down the wrong row 🙈 Also where the out & ins are. Efficient transitions can save you a lot of time."
Jennifer Donald – "Learn the proper way to pass on the bike"
Niki Deckers - "Learn to swim properly! I 'swam' laps for a few months before my first tri but still ended up doing backstroke out of panic and lack of skill. I signed up for masters classes after that and am so much better now. Each tri I learn something new I need to work on!"
Eric Doehrman - "Take the time to learn how to properly mount and dismount bike quickly. It’s free speed."
Eric Trombley - "I had a really hard time understanding proper swim and running technique as well as how rigid training actually is. I mean, I used to "double up" on workouts when I missed one but then learned that was hurting me more than helping."
Dean Tilman - "You can push yourself harder in each discipline than you think you can. I held back too much thinking I'd bonk. I trained at a higher intensity but thought I couldn't do that in races. I did a 70.3 in SC with low expectations and totally blew away anything I'd done before. My ceiling was much higher than I'd given myself credit for. It was my mental transition from being a finisher to being a competitor."